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  • Shoes for Life

Shoes for Life

  • 19 Jul 2018
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • 1502 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA, 95129 (Blue Door Restaurant & Bar)


  • refund @ door with a pair of shoes
  • refund $5 @ door with a pair of shoes

Registration is closed
Dear TAJCCNC members and friends,

Do you want to sell your used shoes for a good cause? TAJCCNC cares about the sustainability of environments and we would like to invite you to participate at this meaningful gathering.

Enjoy drinks with your fellow peers and meet some new friends. You’ll find people that care about the same cause as you, or perhaps you will even find a business partner/customer.

Come join us on July 19, 6:30pm - 9:00pm at Blue Door Restaurant & Bar in West San Jose with live music!

Please see below for event details:


Meet and Greet:
  • Introduce yourself and what you are looking for (e.g. business partnerships/customers/just want to make friends). Snap photos, and share with us on Instagram: @tajccnc #tajccnc #tajcc


Blue Door Bar & Restaurant offers a free parking in the parking lot! However, guests are encouraged to take Uber/Lyft or carpool with a DD as safer options! Travel expenses are minuscule in comparison to the possible medical and legal expenses incurred with DUIs. Better safe than sorry!

Ticket Price:

  • Members: $5/person (refund @ door with a pair of shoes)
  • Non-Members: $10/person (refund $5 @ door with a pair of shoes)
  • Bring shoes to the event for discounted tickets! Inquire for more info.
  • Prices and promotion may be subject to change at the door, so purchase your tickets now!



您有多餘的二手鞋想要出售嗎? TAJCCNC相信自然環境的永續經營是非常重要的議題. 我們誠摯的歡迎您加入這個十分具有意義的活動. 享受燭光美酒, 跟老朋友聊聊天之外也多認識些新朋友. 除了找到同樣關心環境與社會議題的同好之外, 也有機會找到下一個商業夥伴跟潛在客戶.

時間是在7月19日晚上6:30 pm -9:00 pm, 於Blue Door Restaurant & Bar (地址: 1502 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA, 95129)


我介紹與提出需求 (例如: 想要找到什麼樣的夥伴/客戶), 目的為了促進大家有商業合作機會.
拍照並上傳到Instagram: @tajccnc #tajccnc #tajcc


Blue Door Restaurant & Bar 提供免費停車場。路邊也有很多停車位。但建議來賓多利用Uber/Lyft或是請不喝酒的朋有一起來參加(當你的司機)。喝酒不開車、開車不喝酒。


網上預售:預售票享有折扣並包括額外的抽獎卷! 名額有限請把握機會。
  • TAJCCNC 會員:$5/人 (帶鞋子免費入場並得到抽獎券1張)
  • 非會員:$10/人(帶鞋子可抵門票$5並得到抽獎券1張)
現場門票 : 
  • TAJCCNC 會員:$5/人 (帶鞋子可免費入場)
  • 非會員:$10/人(帶鞋子可抵門票$5)

Taiwanese American Junior Chamber of Commerce-Northern California


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